Announcements / News
Who's the next Van Gogh?
Attention school age kids!
Stop by the library to pick up your own copy of "starry night".
You create your own masterpiece, and one lucky winner will receive a bag of Japanese sour candies that are known to be the sourest candy in the world.
Contest closes January 31st.
Brain Exercise Classes Held Monthly
Experience a monthly journey with Kara Schweitzer, an educator from University of Illinois Extension, as she leads participants through interactive activities crafted to stimulate the brain and enhance cognitive function and memory. Regardless of age, whether you're young or old, it's never too late to embark on the path of brain training. Dive into this enjoyable and informative class with Kara. Next class is Tuesday, February 11th at 1:30pm.
Attention Community:
Please note that the Prophetstown Library will be closed on Monday, February 10th and Tuesday, February 11th for installation of our new lights upstairs. We will reopen on Wednesday, February 12th.
Cinderella to Host an in person Story & Craft Hour at Prophetstown Library

Cinderella in PERSON will host our Story and Craft Hour on Saturday, February 8th at 10:00 a.m. Please RSVP to the library the number of guests that will be attending this magical event. This is a free event and open to any and all!
Reptile Show to be Held February 22nd
Reptile Show to Present at Prophetstown Library
Mark your calendars for February 22nd at 10:00 a.m.
A great learning adventure, as kids of all ages (adults too!), are invited to attend the “Love-A-Latte Reptiles” traveling show which will showcase their reptiles for the community at the Henry C. Adams Memorial Library.
Lego Club
Lego Club will start on Saturday, February 15th at 10:00 a.m.
This is for any age. Snacks will be available.
Come show your building abilities!
CGH Therapy Dogs to Visit Library
CGH Therapy Dog Program will be visiting the Henry C. Adams Memorial Library on Saturday, March 1st, 2025. Anyone is welcome to attend this event. Refreshments will be provided.
Events Coming Soon
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 1st. CGH Therapy Dog program will be here at The Prophetstown Library.
Everyone is invited to attend!
Try our New Catalog

Book Club
The next library book club meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18th at 2:00 pm. and we will be discussing the book "The River We Remember" by William Kent Kruger. If you would like to join the book club, please email or phone the Library, and we will get the book ordered for you. 309-714-2699 or
New Books!
Wi-Fi Hotspots Available for Checkout
The Henry C. Adams Memorial Library staff is pleased to announce the addition of 4 WI-FI hotspots for checkout at the library. These hotspots allow our patrons access to 5G internet almost anywhere! Stop at the library to check one out today!
Explore More Illinois
Explore More Illinois is a free service provided by your library that provides instant online access to free and discounted tickets to museums, science centers, sporting events, zoos, park districts, theatres, and other fun and local cultural venues.
Prophetstown Area Historical Society Updates
Remembering the Great Depression
Christmas in Prophetstown 1924
Here and There in Prophetstown
How to purchase Prophetstown Historical Society's new book
Henry C. Adams Memorial Library Opened to Public in 1929
Taking a Look at Halloween